
贝格斯说,好 房地产,bwinchina平台出售,学校 & 区域信息

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  • 达拉沙利文
    贝格斯说 is conveniently located just west of Hwy 75 on Hwy 16. It is 31 miles south of Tulsa and only 16 miles from Okmulgee. 在1918年的石油和天然气租赁购买和钻探时代,它是一个新兴城市. 它一度拥有52家企业,包括建筑、批发和贸易机构. 贝格斯参与了道斯委员会及其对印第安人的权威. Court heard grievances at 贝格斯说 over such matters as theft of livestock. 目前, the industry in 贝格斯说 公司ludes Healthcare, 社会救助, 制造业, 及教育服务. By the year 2020, the population was almost 1400 citizens. 贝格斯说 Public 学校 has had several good athletes over the years. 最近, 贝格斯已经达到了一段时间未见的州冠军水平,其中几名球员继续进入大学水平. 目前,www.利基市场.com recently graded the district with a B rating. The district was graded highly for clubs, activities, and diversity. Overall, the district maintains a student-teacher ratio of 17:1. 贝格斯说, like most smaller towns south of the Tulsa Metro, 是一个安静的乡村, 也是一个农业小镇,可以很方便地到达塔尔萨的大都市区. Most recreation would involve the great outdoors and nature. 其他外出活动,如逛商场或看电影,开车半小时就可以完成. 贝格斯说 has a great sense of quiet with room to roam. So be sure to give it a chance when you drive by!
  • Tj's Bar and Grill has become an established restaurant in 贝格斯说. Dropped by for a burger yesterday and the food was so good. 现在营业到晚上11点.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, do not miss this place. Also, Taco Tuesday is a must-attend event.
  • 星期六晚上,我有机会带我可爱的妻子去贝格斯的房车牧场烧烤酒吧吃饭, 俄克拉何马州. This place has great food and reasonable prices. It was really busy and after tasting their delicious food I can see why. 特色菜包括周四吃到饱的鲶鱼和周五的熏肋排晚餐. Located off of l-75 Hwy just south of Mounds, this place has it all. Cold beer and cocktails, steaks, and burgers. 这里有适合每个人的东西. The atmosphere is family-friendly and has an old West motif. 工作人员很友好,乐于助人. 如果你需要一些关于吃什么的建议,他们也可以帮助你. I ordered the chicken fried steak with white gravy and potatoes. 它是巨大的,我和我的妻子可以分享挂在盘子上的大份. If you are looking for a new destination to explore and fill up, look no further than the RV Ranch Grill and Bar.
  • 饲养场熏制房和餐厅是最新增加到市中心贝格斯烹饪场景. 提供美味的烧烤,炸鸡,三明治,鸡肉咬,和巨大的特色汉堡. 无论是在餐厅用餐还是外出就餐,每个人都可以在Feedlot熏制屋找到吃的东西. 我亲自去这个地方吃了午餐,友好的工作人员和份量给我留下了深刻的印象. The BBQ pulled pork sandwich was fantastic. If you are looking for something new to try in 贝格斯说, look no further than The Feedlot Smokehouse and Dinner.
  • 贝格家族的很多人, 俄克拉何马州的社区没有水,必须团结起来,作为一个社区互相帮助. 有水的市民实行定量配给, 因此,水塔可以再次开始填满,为社区提供所需的压力. 在普雷斯顿学校的巴士仓里设立了饮用水站,供每个人使用并带水回家. 坚持住,乞丐们,天气要暖和了,一切应该很快就会恢复正常. 社区的社交媒体网站上有关于这种情况的最新信息,以及在哪里寻求帮助. Look for the 贝格斯说 Community Page on Facebook.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about 贝格斯说.
    贝格斯说 is a small rural town with a big heart. 有几家商店, 杂货店, 一些餐馆, 加油站, 花店, 还有小镇上的活动. 回到我十几岁的时候, the big thing was to go to the drive-in, 来一杯樱桃香草可乐, and cruise Main Street until you found a friend. 然后我们会把车停在路中间这样我们就能赶上了. 这是一个很棒的社区,可以养家糊口,养一些牛、鸡、猪和庄稼.
  • 我很幸运地度过了令人兴奋的一天,拍摄了一次成功的猎鸟. 当我的朋友训练他的狗时,我仔细地看了看贝格斯附近的狩猎场. 位于奥克穆尔吉县, 贝格斯提供了该州最好的野外和高地狩猎机会. 就在贝格斯南部,一个小农场和牧场社区,那里的人们都很友好. 贝格斯说 is a wonderful place to live in 俄克拉何马州.
  • The newest addition to begg的市中心 is Penny's Diner. 位于角落, 这家曾经的当地自助洗衣店已经被改造和振兴为一家拥有美味食物和当地特色的家乡餐厅. 这里提供的汉堡有1/4磅、1/2磅和一整磅. The chicken fried steaks are a main staple. Penny's offers weekly specials and is quite busy around dinner time.I had the pleasure of dining here last week and I will be back. 这里的服务无与伦比,在这里吃饭就像回到了20世纪50年代. They offer homemade pies that are worth the trip. Check out Penny's Diner on your next trip into town.
  • I stopped in at Shaffer's Drive-In in 贝格斯说 as I often do when I'm in town. Shaffer's Drive-In is the happening place. It is a throwback to the 1950's style drive up diner. 在这里,你经常可以看到当地人拿着鸡肉篮、汉堡、薯条或我的最爱...樱桃香草胡椒博士. I have had the special Dr Pepper all over Green County. 从索尼克汉堡到冰雪女王,但没有人比谢弗的汽车餐厅做得更好.

    When you are in town looking for properties or just catching an event, make sure to stop in to Shaffer's Drive-In and grab a quick bite to eat. 饿着来,饱着走. 当地人很友好,帮你点菜的高中生也很棒. 偶尔, the local town mutt comes by to get a fry or two from you, but that is just part of the charm of this place. 这里晚上会很忙,因为这里的食物无与伦比. Do not miss Shaffer's Drive-In if you are in 贝格斯说, just off of Highway 75 on Highway 16 in begg的市中心.
  • 贝格斯有很多东西可以提供. It is the small town where I graduated from high school. My parents and other family members still live there. 它有一种古老的感觉, but if you get off the main drag and get on to some of the rural roads, there is such peace and calmness about it. You can drive for miles and never meet another vehicle. The cattle and horses look at you like, "what are you doing here? 你是来喂我的吗?". 我真的很喜欢离开主干道,在乡间小路上开车和摄影. 在日常的旅行中,我们总是匆匆忙忙,走同样的老路,因此错过了很多东西. 节奏的变化总是一种享受.
  • 我还是个孩子的时候, 在农村有水之前, this is where we would go to get our water barrels filled. My dad would let us climb the platform and work the pump. 金属管将从泵的喷嘴延伸到卡车后面的桶. 那时的水很冷,而且味道比今天从水龙头里流出的水好得多. 在炎热的夏天, 我和堂兄弟姐妹们会骑着自行车到老井边去喝冷饮,然后往身上泼水. The picture here is what that well looks like today. 杂草丛生,不再使用. But the memories will live in my mind forever.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about 贝格斯说.
    贝格斯说, 俄克拉荷马州位于塔尔萨以南约40分钟,奥克穆尔吉以北约20分钟. 位于奥克穆尔吉县, 贝格斯提供了该州最好的野外和高地狩猎机会. 就在贝格斯的南边是深叉野生动物保护区,对公众开放狩猎和捕鱼. 贝格斯是一个小农场和牧场社区,人们都很友好. 贝格斯说 is a wonderful place to live in 俄克拉何马州.
