
Bixby,好 房地产,bwinchina平台出售,学校 & 区域信息

Bixby Oklahoma is a growing city located just south of 塔尔萨. Known for its excellent schools and family-friendly atmosphere, Bixby offers residents a variety of community events and recreational activities. 这座城市靠近塔尔萨,为就业机会和文化设施提供了便利.

Bixby Area Insight

  • 斯蒂芬妮·鲍威尔
    Ask Stephanie a question about Bixby.
    在比克斯比市中心, OK, 库珀钥匙咖啡馆提供温暖的放纵和社区的当地人和游客都一样. 进入, 新鲜研磨的咖啡豆的香气和柔和的谈话声创造了一个舒适和诱人的氛围. The interior is a fusion of rustic charm and modern elegance, with exposed brick walls and comfortable leather chairs. The heart of Cooper Key is, of course, its coffee. The menu features an array of hand crafted beverages, from classic espresso drinks to signature blends unique to Cooper Key. 补充咖啡产品是新鲜出炉的糕点和手工治疗的选择. 库伯基咖啡屋不仅以其独特的饮料和美味的叮咬而自豪, 同时也是一个社区中心. In this haven of caffeine and creativity, Cooper Key Coffee House beckons patrons to slow down, 享受这一刻, and immerse themselves in the delightful fusion of flavors, 香气, 社区精神.
  • 达拉沙利文
    The town of Bixby received its name from the Dawes Commission chairman, Tams Bixby. 从克里克(莫斯科)国家开始的克里克土地变成了一个以农田和农业生产而闻名的小社区. 它位于阿肯色河沿岸,距离塔尔萨仅18英里,在米德兰山谷铁路进入城镇时开始发展. 20世纪初,在格兰普尔附近发现了石油和天然气,当时被称为格伦波尔和红叉油田. 他们在20世纪30年代的大萧条中继续增长,最终达到了现在超过27人的数量,000公民. 该地区令人难以置信的增长, more than doubling from 2000 to 2020, comes in part from the bustling metropolis of 塔尔萨 expanding. 随着草皮农场和畜牧业的发展,该镇仍然具有相当的农业影响. 有一些轻工业和制造业的工作可以通过像金伯利克拉克这样的雇主获得.

    这个城镇的发展如此迅速,对新校舍的需求也随之增加. By 2022, 比克斯比公立学校有四个小学和中级教学点,而且他们的中学规模扩大了一倍, 增加了一个九年级的中心, 到2022年2月, passed a bond to construct and expand more high school facilities. The district is ranked 12th in the state and 7th for athletes. The district's overall rating is an A- from 利基市场.该网站还在学术、教师和大学预科方面给该地区打分为A. The school proudly boasts a few recent football state titles, 近年来,女子篮球也多次为州冠军而战,这支乐队在国内外的比赛中继续表现出色. 与此同时, 足球队和长曲棍球队确实在各自的项目中获得了实力,并建立了传统.

    这个城市为年轻人和家庭提供了很多活动,比如在华盛顿欧文公园, 宾利体育中心, 和市中心的查理杨公园. Nature lovers can hike or kayak at Lake Bixhoma, run the jogging trails along the river, and take their kids to the Pumpkin Patch and local farmer's produce 零售 stores. 这个城市和乐天派俱乐部每年6月举办绿色玉米节,扶轮社每年5月组织烧烤和蓝调节. 闹市区, also known as The Downtown River District, is currently being revitalized with new businesses, 新的办公和零售空间, and hosts a multitude of events such as concerts in the Charlie Young Park, The Gambler's Crit which is a local bike race for all ages, 每年秋天的“不给糖就捣蛋”活动,以及扶轮社每年12月组织的当地圣诞游行.

    这个小镇现在拥有一个安静的乡村感觉,方便前往塔尔萨和周围社区进行额外的购物和娱乐. Overall commute time to 塔尔萨 averages 30 minutes and 47 minutes to Muskogee. 比克斯比77%的家庭是家庭,几乎一半的家庭拥有学士学位或更高的学位. The industries in Bixby vary from banking, 零售, and light industrial/ manufacturing to home building and construction. 新居民表示,学校是他们选择住在Bixby和www的首要原因.利基市场.com ranks it as the #2 best place to live in the 塔尔萨 Area. 你准备好搬去比克斯比了吗?
  • Bixby有很多新的商业场所,有很棒的娱乐、食物和购物场所. Thinking of investing in a fast-growing town Bixby is your bet..... 在2022年和2023年,很多项目正在进行中,并期待更多的项目即将到来.
  • Ready for some family-friendly outdoor fun? 比克斯比扶轮社将于本周末举办第20届比克斯比烧烤蓝调节, 星期五和星期六, 5月7日至8日, 从5点到11点.m., at the Washington Irving Memorial Park. 有超过75支队伍角逐烧烤总冠军和人民选择奖的最高奖项. There will be music and food to be enjoyed and fun stuff for the kids to do. There will also be shopping with vendors offering up their goods. Come on out and enjoy this free event and support the Bixby Rotary Club.
  • The traditional lights are up and running in Charley Young Park in Bixby. The festivities kicked off last week and will run through December 20th. 孩子们可以参加一些活动,包括远离社交的圣诞老人工作坊和拜访圣诞老人本人. 我们都经历了Covid-19病毒的艰难一年,以及它给社区带来的所有限制和变化, make sure to get out and explore the festive lights. This is guaranteed to brighten your 2020 holiday season.
  • 作为一个房地产经纪人, 我总是很兴奋地向潜在买家展示Bixby提供的所有美妙的设施, and Washington Irving Park is no exception. 这个占地32英亩的美丽公园坐落在阿肯色河沿岸,是户外爱好者的天堂. Whether you're into walking or biking, 维护良好的步道为外出享受新鲜空气和自然美景提供了绝佳的机会.

    But that's not all there is to love about Washington Irving Park. 该公园还具有特殊的意义,因为它是双子塔工字梁的最后安息之地, serving as a poignant tribute to the events of 9/11. And with the Bixby Blues and Bar-B-Que Festival taking place every May, 很明显,这个公园是一个活动中心,也是社区的聚集地. If you're looking for a place to call home in the Bixby area, you can't go wrong with a location that offers so much to do and see.
  • Ask a Local Expert a question about Bixby.
    南塔尔萨县的比克斯比曾经是塔尔萨郊区的一个小镇,有农场和田地. But, over the last 10 years, this city has grown exceptionally. The housing market features houses from starter homes to million dollar mansions. 雪松岭乡村俱乐部周围有许多社区,包括位于比克斯比边缘的大型马匹物业, 越过阿肯色河.
  • 兰迪Gasswint
    比克斯比是塔尔萨的南郊,也是俄克拉荷马州发展最快的城市之一. Known as "The Garden Spot of Oklahoma" Bixby features a rich agrarian heritage. 由于学校的质量和新社区的建设,它现在被称为一个理想的居住地, and for the growth on Memorial Drive of prime 零售 stores, 商店和餐馆. It's per capita 公司ome is the highest in the 塔尔萨 Metro area.

