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詹金斯,好 房地产, Homes 出售, School & Area Information

Jenks Oklahoma is a family-friendly city located just south of 塔尔萨. Known for its excellent schools and community events, 詹克斯为居民提供了一个小镇的氛围,方便访问塔尔萨的便利设施. 这座城市的河滨步道交叉口为所有年龄段的人提供购物、餐饮和娱乐选择.

Jenks Area Insight

  • 苏珊布朗
    bwinchina官网 Results
    你的孩子想以一种有趣、安全、独特的方式捣蛋吗? 俄克拉荷马州水族馆将于2022年10月25日至31日下午6:30至9:00:00举办万圣节海洋活动.m. 孩子们可以穿上他们最喜欢的服装,沿着万圣节海洋小径穿过水族馆. Along the way, 他们将从水族馆赞助商那里收集糖果,同时会见超过10人,000 marine animals! This is a fun and refreshing twist on traditional trick or treating, and it eliminates the stress of worrying about the weather, 黑暗, 和交通. 点击下面的链接获取有关门票和早鸟折扣的详细信息. Happy HallowMarine!
  • Dara Sullivan
    bwinchina官网 Results
    Ask Dara a question about Jenks.
    詹克斯可能是作为米德兰山谷铁路的一部分发展起来的,有一个称重站. 关于这个小镇的名字是如何从拥有这条铁路的公司的一位董事那里得来的,有很多故事. 早期的定居者包括佩里曼家族(自由民——奴隶家庭的成员)得到了土地分配,农业对他们的经济产生了巨大的影响. 距离格兰浦如此之近也导致了该地区的更多增长. In the early 1920s, 大量保加利亚人移民到詹克斯,小镇的人口开始增长. 位于阿肯色河附近,对早期的定居点/乡镇来说既是福也是祸. 虽然这有助于他们的发展,但洪水的可能性并没有得到控制. Toward the end of World War II, 修建堤坝就是为了解决这个问题,至今仍在使用.

    1908年,詹克斯学校开设了四个分校,你可以在那里获得文凭. 今天, Jenks Public School District stands as the #1 school in Oklahoma, rated #1 also for athletes. The district has an overall grade of A per www.利基市场.com which assigns the A grade to Jenks for academics, 老师, clubs and activities, 多样性, and College Prep. Their student-teacher ratio is 17:1. 该学区容纳了大约10,000名从学前班到高中的学生. In the mid- 1980s, 通过一笔拨款聘请了一名经济发展协调员来为詹克斯招募企业. 古董和收藏品店开始出现,詹克斯至今仍以古董店而闻名. Some call it the Antique Capital of Oklahoma. 到了2000年代,阿肯色河沿岸继续发展壮大. 沿着河滨步行街漫步,在那里的餐馆吃饭或在零售店购物是一件很愉快的事.
    通过75号高速公路前往塔尔萨和周边地区仍然非常方便, Creek Turnpike, and Highway 64. 詹克斯也有航空服务,通过河滨机场和理查德劳埃德琼斯小航空服务. 在这个地区可以找到几个带游乐场的可爱公园,还有可爱的精品店. 麦琪的音乐盒提供了一个令人兴奋的现场音乐氛围,坐下来享受饮料,同时结交新朋友. 多年来,一些塔尔萨的知名音乐家在这里演出,新的人才不断涌入. 其他家庭活动可以包括詹克斯天文馆或享受一轮高尔夫球在南湖高尔夫球场. 你也可以在退伍军人公园漫步,或者和你毛茸茸的朋友一起参观巴克韦斯特狗公园.
  • 如果你正在寻找独一无二的餐饮和购物体验,那么市中心的詹克斯是必去的地方! The heart of downtown Jenks on Main Street offers street parking, 通过性, and many locally-owned shops/restaurants. The popular River Walk and Jenks Aquarium are also nearby.
  • Christiansen Aviation Inc. 1972年开业,当时只有几名员工和几架飞机. After 40 years of service Christiansen Aviation Inc. now employs upwards of 45 employees and maintains over 200 air crafts.

    Christiansen Aviation Inc. is located in Jenks, Ok by the popular Riverside, 它不仅提供飞机降落的地方,还提供您在这里访问期间的维修服务. Christiansen Aviation also offers aircraft rental, 租赁, sales of your choice of new or used Cessanas, they offer pilot supplies and full-service fixed-base operator.
  • Kath Williams
    bwinchina官网 Results
    詹克斯有一种小镇的感觉,但与塔尔萨的大城市只隔着一条河. The quaint downtown is walkable and close to the city park. The Riverwalk is just a short drive from downtown. Restaurants and recreation are the highlights. Jenks boasts one of the highest-rated school systems in the state. We are proud of our Trojans! 如果你喜欢更悠闲的生活方式,詹克斯可能就是你的好地方!
  • 托德·克利夫顿
    bwinchina官网 Results
    如果你能生活在一个充满活力和发展的地区,拥有小城镇的温暖和魅力? Well, there is a place...Jenks America!

    Living here for a couple of years now, I am able to walk just a few short blocks to the Oklahoma Aquarium, modern and antique shops, music venues, Flying T golf, 滑板公园, award-winning restaurants, and top-notch parks and trails. Even for the gamers, River Spirit Casino is only about a mile away.

    And even if all this doesn't matter to you, some have moved in the Jenks area just for the quality of schools.
  • 詹金斯,好
    詹克斯是塔尔萨的一个受欢迎的郊区,在过去的几年里发展迅速. Known for its' school system, it remains a highly desirable area. 截至目前,詹克斯市目前只有108处房产待售. 然而,在詹克斯学区有359处房产待售. Hopefully with the spring comes an 公司rease in inventory!
  • Randy Gasswint
    bwinchina官网 Results
    詹克斯是塔尔萨的西南郊区,就在阿肯色河对岸. It has experienced dramatic growth in the last 15 years, 并以其高评价的公立学校系统和滨河步道地区而闻名. Jenks also features an eclectic downtown area known for boutiques, restaurants and the Antique and Arts District, 以及附近的俄克拉荷马水族馆和前面提到的河滨步道. 附近还有新建的塔尔萨山购物中心, Jenks is one of the most desirable areas to live, play and shop in the 塔尔萨 metro area!

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