
汽车的小巷 区域房地产和bwinchina平台出售在俄克拉荷马城,OK

Search homes for sale in 汽车的小巷 and find 汽车的小巷 real estate and houses. 也浏览止赎,公寓 & 带RE/bwinchina官网 Oklahoma的联排别墅.


  • 詹妮弗字段
    你会问为什么叫“汽车巷”? The historic North Broadway strip was home to the city's car dealerships in the 1920s. 一旦增长的潜力被实现, 从那以后,它就成为了俄克拉荷马州一个受欢迎的景点,成为了餐馆的聚集地, 商店, 精品店, 酒吧, 和企业. The street is lined with lit neon signs hanging from their original buildings that welcome you to enjoy all that the city has to offer. 在这里购物很容易,因为有很多选择. 在这里, 过去和现在交织在一起,创造了一个老派的外观, 但是带着新鲜的, 充满活力的感觉.
  • 马克·卡尔霍恩
    The quaint hip neighborhood of iconic vintage brick buildings once home to OKC's early century car dealerships is now repurposed and a super trendy place for dining, 购物, 和生活! Neon signs of past and present now adorn businesses and pedestrian-friendly 商店 ready to share in your new nostalgic experiences of the area.
  • 克里斯蒂娜Moosavi
    你在寻找甜蜜的款待和神奇的经历吗? Katiebug's位于百老汇东边的第9大街. 这就像走进了另一个世界,那里的美食令人惊叹! 每个季节,室内和室外的装饰都会发生变化. 圣诞节绝对是我的最爱! 这个季节,去喝一杯热巧克力和一块饼干吧!
  • Kelsey吉尔伯特
    Located in the former Mercedes showroom on Broadway and 11th in downtown 俄克拉荷马城, 吉米B的是, 在我心中, 城里最好的新餐馆之一! 时尚和休闲的氛围有舒适的皮革长椅, 外露木梁, 还有复古的砖墙. 谁不喜欢美丽的裸露砖墙呢?.

    Jimmy B's的客厅看起来很诱人, 雅致的艺术, 的照明, 还有一种轻松的氛围,午餐和晚餐的谈话不绝于声. 大的露天露台, 位于物业的东南角, features an outdoor fireplace surrounded by Adirondack chairs to provide a relaxing space to enjoy first-rate dining and cocktails! 如果你是新来的, 只是参观, 或者一辈子都住在城里, 这家餐厅是必去的!
  • Kelsey吉尔伯特
    如果你在百老汇大街上开过车, I'm sure you have noticed the brand new building at the northeast corner of 5th and Broadway. 这七层, $40 million headquarters was completed earlier this year and was said to bring hundreds of tech jobs to downtown 俄克拉荷马城. 有一个像Heartland支付系统这样的主力租户, 你知道,那栋建筑也装修得很漂亮!
  • Kelsey吉尔伯特
    Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center's new location at NW 11th and Broadway is home to Folding Light, a state-of-the-art building designed by Rand Elliott and named after the way the metal exterior of the building will interact with Oklahoma's ever-changing sky. This new art museum and venue has brought to the 汽车的小巷 District a brand new, multi-purpose flex space where visitors can walk around and take in the beauty of the museum while also envisioning being able to host a wide variety of events, 包括婚礼, 戏剧表演, 公司活动, 多日商务会议, 以及其他特别活动. 总的来说,这里和汽车巷区有这么多东西可以提供, 你会想把这个新的美丽的博物馆放在你的“待办事项”列表的顶部!
  • 汽车的小巷
    寻找餐饮灵感在中城和市中心俄克拉何马州地区? 在这个领域发现这么多新事物真是令人惊喜. 在俄克拉何马市中心发现Parlor真的让我很开心! Parlor位于百老汇东侧的NE 6.
    这是我在客厅吃过的最难忘的一餐? 嘎嘎妈妈! 你必须亲眼看到,吃到才会相信! 快去看看吧!
  • 向当地专家询问有关汽车巷的问题.
    你吃过第九街Iguana的玉米片吗? They are really good and what you can't believe is under all that goodness is queso!! 在我记得拍照之前就吃了,但请相信我的话. 这里的用餐不是德墨式的,而是非常独特的.
  • 向当地专家询问有关汽车巷的问题.
    你说这是个约会之夜的好地方...在汽车巷的百老汇10号酒吧和餐馆. 气氛优雅,有趣,食物美味. Broadway 10 was the old Buick car dealership built in the 1920's and the restaurant, 有落地窗, gives you a near-panoramic view of 汽车的小巷 which is perfect for the holiday season. 汽车巷点亮了数百盏季节性的灯,让您在用餐时尽情享受. After your meal, stroll down 汽车的小巷 and browse the many 商店 that are offered. 你不会后悔的. 要查看菜单和有关餐厅的信息,只需点击链接.
  • 艾米丽的Askin
    喜乐! 百老汇之光今年又回来了. What an amazing event that kickoffs the holiday season as we head straight into Thanksgiving. 沿着历史悠久的汽车巷漫步,参观该地区的假日开放日. 零售店和餐馆将会有节日风格的橱窗展示, 孩子们的活动, 促销和赠品. 购物,拜访圣诞老人,乘坐马车,听现场音乐. The store fronts will light up for the Second Annual 百老汇之光, Novemebr 18, 4-8:00 p.m.
  • 你有最喜欢的晨饮吗? 你有最喜欢喝的地方吗? Coffee works for me and there is an 俄克拉荷马城 event that will fill your heart and cup with caffeinated goodness!

    俄克拉荷马城到处都是当地和全国性的连锁咖啡店. It's always my preference to support and frequent the locally owned brown brew spots. The Caffeine Crawl is a great way to explore what is happening in 俄克拉荷马城 in the coffee and hot tea trade!
    Nearly a dozen spots from Edmond to Norman are offering coffee drink and tastings seminars and samples on these caffeine guided tours of everyone's favorite get happy jitters brew.


    西大街的大堂吧, 汽车巷的咖啡推销员, All About Chai on Western and North May Avenue and Vintage Coffee on Western Avenue. 西大街也有一家很棒的“免下车”星巴克, 如果你在那里喝咖啡,真的会改善你的体验吗.

  • 你的一周可能很艰难, but the treat of breakfast or brunch at the Hatch OKC along the historic 汽车的小巷 is going to start the weekend off on a sweet note. 我保证最困难的部分就是从美味中挑选, 比如把你的选择范围缩小到只有三种煎饼. 我选了香蕉福斯特,蓝莓脆饼和焦糖皮. 我们就说哇!

    Now all those luscious carbs need a side of protein and I recommend your taste buds adventure out with the Chicken Fried Eggs. 轻轻捣碎,煮得恰到好处, the delicate yet substantial eggs are served with Cholulu Ranch and Smoked Cheddar Hollandaise sauces. After all chicken fried anything is bound to be expected and delicious in this part of the country.

    This isn't your usual hole in the wall breakfast spot, even though they serve the old classics. I hope you will venture out this weekend or weekday to experience a new morning taste sensation in the beauty of historic downtown 俄克拉荷马城.




    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73115


    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73116


    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73120


    2209 S.W. 104街B套房
    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73159


    中西部城市, OK 73130