
Mesta公园 Area 房地产 And Homes 出售 In 俄克拉荷马城,OK

Find homes for sale in Mesta公园 and search Mesta公园 real estate and houses. 也浏览止赎,公寓 & 带bwinchina官网 Oklahoma的联排别墅.


  • Brigett福斯特
    梅斯塔公园有一个令人难以置信的可选(HOA)房主协会,该协会全年举办活动. 在短短一周内, the Mesta公园 Annual Picnic for the neighborhood will be held on Tuesday, 6月21日, 2022, 在佩尔梅斯塔公园.m. 享受在夏至和你的邻居一起参观,带上自己的毯子和椅子在公园里放松.
  • Brigett福斯特
    艺术家摩根·罗宾逊在梅斯塔公园建造了一座宏伟的新雕塑,以纪念安妮塔·加洛克·欧文和她忠实的狗, 杰克. Come by and see this most recent addition to our fabulous park.
  • Brigett福斯特
    我丈夫和我在1999年买下了我们在梅斯塔公园的房子,并对它进行了彻底的翻新. 我们的女儿就在佩尔梅斯塔公园对面长大,看着她们在这个社区长大. 我们无数次在人行道上漫步在街道两旁的百年大梧桐树下. We hear children playing and neighbors visiting in the park in the evenings. 在一年一度的社区野餐会上,我们看到当地的消防队员在炎炎夏日用水管给孩子们洗澡,而孩子们则高兴地尖叫着. 我们见证了每年秋天的落叶,庆祝了一年一度的梅斯塔节,并在12月参加了一年一度的假日之旅. 除了我们家的公园, 我们买了一套房子, 修复它, 然后卖掉了, and we continue to maintain a rental property in Mesta公园. 现在我的荣幸是帮助别人卖掉他们的房子,或者找到他们完美的房子,或者投资梅斯塔公园.
  • 马克·卡尔霍恩
    Mesta公园 is a sought-after historic neighborhood. 当地居民, 前任和现任, suggest Mesta公园 is one of 俄克拉荷马城's greatest treasures and I agree. Between 1906 and 1915 the area grew exponentially. 有轨电车沿着沙特尔行驶, 然后转到西北18街, connecting with another line that ran along Classen Boulevard. Architects of the day designed houses with open floor plans and large windows, allowing a breezy feel and lots of sunshine. Mesta公园 remains an aesthetic gem of a neighborhood and community today.
  • 著名的梅斯塔公园位于俄克拉何马城中心,西面是西部大道,东面是沃克大道. It is highly rated for lovers of historic homes and historic neighborhoods. The neighborhood spans from 16th Street north to 22号街. 它的东侧也有一个小半岛,沿着22街一直延伸到罗宾逊.

    Did you know that Mesta公园 is one of the oldest communities in 俄克拉荷马城? It was developed in stages, largely between 1906 and 1930. 对于想要靠近市中心的购房者来说,这是一个非常理想的地区, 布里克镇和西部大道交口. You'll love the charming homes in Mesta公园!



    你会想要确保你得到全面和高质量的bwinchina平台检查,无论何时你购买这个年龄范围的历史住宅. Once you get the "all clear" on home condition, 你会发现,搬进俄克拉荷马城这个受欢迎的历史悠久的家庭社区,对你来说充满了希望和快乐的日子! 伟大的家园和迷人的氛围!
  • 艾米丽的Askin
    保存日期! 梅斯塔公园刚刚宣布,12月2日将是度假屋之旅的40周年纪念, 2017. Mesta公园 is a thriving historic neighborhood in Midtown 俄克拉荷马城. 这些美丽的房子让我们得以一窥20世纪初的这座城市和它的人民. Mesta公园 was founded in 1902 and offers classic architecture. In 1983, the district was listed in the National Register of Historic Places. 1994年,该地区被俄克拉荷马市议会指定为历史保护区. 这个区域提供了已经完全翻新的bwinchina平台,需要一些TLC. Either way it is all about location, location, location!

    In the last 90 days:10 homes have closed. 平均售价为397,660美元. 每平方英尺的平均价格是163美元. Average square feet is 2452 and days on market is 49.
  • Great experience today and looking forward to tonight at The Lobby Cafe and Bar! Perhaps you are familiar with The Lobby Cafe and Bar on Western Avenue? I always remember it as 'Will's Coffee Shoppe'. Located next to Sushi Neko and across the street from its sister restaurant, Mushashi的, it's a great local coffee shop and event center.

    老板是我的私人朋友,如果你需要商务午餐,这里的氛围是完美的. Great prices, atmosphere and they support the arts here in OKC. Here's what I found so nice at The Lobby Cafe and Bar! 我喜欢早餐,即使你很晚才到,他们也会让爱继续下去! 我推荐的首选是:

    *西班牙蛋与山羊奶酪-西班牙辣香肠,山羊奶酪,皮奎略辣椒,洋葱和香料! This delightful meal will keep you happy and full. Pair with their excellent coffee or latte and it's a winner.
    *Lobby Breakfast Sandwich - Eggs, Swiss Cheese, Choice of Croissant or Baguette. 我的客户很喜欢这个! 服务非常好,我们都喜欢在用餐和讨论房产时观看特纳经典的黑白电影. We split a dessert which was the Lobby Bread Pudding. 总完美!

    顺便说一下,有人通知我今晚在大堂咖啡厅和酒吧有一个很好的活动. It's artist Annalisa Campbell's art reception! Admission will be free and light hors d'oeuvres will be served. She's an Oklahoma artist and arts enthusiast and I love her work!. 她喜欢俄克拉荷马大学提供给她的经历,我期待着今晚更多地了解她和她的工作. 请尽快在大堂咖啡厅和酒吧享受美味的食物和服务,并在今晚6:00-8:00到餐厅参加这个艺术家招待会.
  • 温迪庄
    This weekend, be sure you don't miss the 第39届梅斯塔公园假日之旅. 我很高兴能成为今年度假屋之旅的赞助商之一,我们将向购买12美元门票的人开放5座保存完好的历史bwinchina平台.00美元(在线/预付)或15美元.00(在门口). 这是一个伟大的事件,让每个人都享受这个历史悠久的社区位于市中心的俄克拉荷马城. 梅斯塔公园成立于1902年,是俄克拉荷马城历史保护区的一部分.

    烛光家访从下午4点开始.m. on Saturday, December 3rd and will close at 8:00 p.m.; afternoon tours are on Sunday, December 4th from 1:00 p.m. 至下午5时.m. Visitors will also be able to purchase food from local food truck vendors, check out complimentary bike shares courtesy of Spokies, Mercedes Benz will be providing luxury transportation between homes, Christmas carolers will be providing holiday cheer and entertainment, and Elemental Coffee in Midtown will have complimentary coffee. 美味的自制烘焙食品, courtesy of the Mesta公园 Homeowners Association, 也会提供. Food and refreshments can be found at 704 N.W. 18街 located on the south side of Perle Mesta公园.

    801 N.W. 19街
    604 N.W. 18街
    501 N.W. 18街
    216 N.W. 22号街
    212 N.W. 22号街

    Tickets can be purchased below or at the door of each home.
  • 温迪庄
    准备好迎接9月10日周六上午10点开始的第21届梅斯塔节吧.m. 到下午4点.m. 在佩尔梅斯塔公园.W. 18街和夏特尔大道交口. 这个一年一度的节日对公众开放,并筹集资金支持梅斯塔公园社区协会,因为它努力维护公园, 公共区域, 照明, 等., of this beautiful historical neighborhood just off N.W. 俄克拉荷马市中心的第23街.

    带着你的朋友和家人来梅斯塔节,欣赏坐落在俄克拉荷马城市中心的梅斯塔公园的历史街区,同时享受地滚球, 沙滩排球, 工艺品, 现场音乐, 瑜伽课程, 舞蹈表演, 还有一个啤酒和葡萄酒花园. There is fun to be had for everyone of all ages. Local artists, pop-up shopping booths and food truck vendors will be on-site. For those that are 21 years of age and older, you may purchase a wristband for $20.00 to gain entrance to the beer and wine garden. 接受现金和信用卡.




    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73116


    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73115


    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73120


    2209 S.W. 104街B套房
    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73159


    中西部城市, OK 73130